About Us

Foundationwww.czlowiekwpotrzebie.org | Foundation statute: download

We are non-profit organization

Thanks to the economic activity - the Different restaurant, we can implement the statutory objectives of our Foundation for helping the family "Man in Need"

A foundation that helps people overcome the crisis. Currently, the activities are carried out in Warsaw.

Our activities are:

  1. Material assistance (food, hygiene products, medicines) for Warsaw families.
  2. A project to help selected families in cooperation with the Fenix Group (purchase of furniture, repairs, paid medical treatments, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, purchase of medicines and food, assistance in paying off debts)
  3. Targeting people who provide therapeutic and spiritual help.
  4. From March 2020 to June 2021, we ran the project # crisis meals - feeding Warsaw families by providing them with a wholesome two-course dinner.
  5. Since May 2022, we have served 10,000 two-course meals for refugees from Ukraine (project implementation in cooperation with MCPS)

Who do we help: people experiencing a broadly understood crisis (sudden loneliness, poor old age, death of a loved one who was the breadwinner, severe and chronic disease and lack of funds for treatment; permanent disability and illness in the family, accident and costs related to recovery; loss of job for reasons beyond the control of the person and inability to support oneself and the family; departure from the perpetrator of domestic violence)

How we help: We will offer help to all people who agree to meet at their place of residence and verify the situation.


Our team

Our team

Agnieszka Żebrowska


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Agnieszka is our team talker. She loves contact with guests, although in her private life she can also be shy. She has poor eyesight from birth. She quickly finds herself in new rooms, but her favorite place is her own home. There, she devotes herself to cooking, where Polish cuisine reigns supreme – and the tracking of technological novelties that are useful to blind and disabled people. Pupil of the School and Education Center in Laski. At work at DIFFERENT she values ​​contact with people and the lack of feeling of closed space.

Our team

Beata Staszek


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Beata is a happy and open person. She infects us with her optimism and she’s always ready for action. She speaks English, Italian and Russian. She is a very active person, constantly develops her dance passions and her other skills. During adolescence, she lost her sight and despite the initial shock she immediately took matters into her own hands. She managed to finish school, started a family and found a job. As she says: “The thing that gives me the greatest satisfaction is direct contact with people”. She discovered her uniqueness during a 4-year stay in Moscow, where her husband jokingly told her that if the lights in the Moscow metro completely turn off, she will be the only person who will easily come to the surface :). That is why in DIFFERENT we combine her joy, love for people and deprive of social exclusion.

Our team

Wiola Borowska


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She finished high school profiled with extended English language. She was a tourist traffic service technician, but due to the loss of her eyesight she never worked in the profession. She gained experience in telemarketing and as a sales representative in the cosmetics industry. In her free time she likes to listen to music and women’s audiobooks with criminal motifs. She really loves to dance and spend time at the water. The love of her life is a husband she has known since the age of 16 (for the sake of clarity, they met at the mountains – not by the sea) and a 15-year-old son – passionate about mountain biking! We started liked Wiola for her joy and courage in taking up challenges. It is very pleasant to talk to her, she has something soothing and warm in her voice. We hope you will have the opportunity to convince yourself about it.

Our team

Jacek Królikowski


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He was a cook at the Conference and Training Center and the Radisson Blu Hotel in Warsaw. He was losing his eyesight since he was a child. Currently, he has 10% vision in one eye. He’s at work in a team, with a great distance to himself and the environment. His specific sense of humor has not only relieved tension in stressful moments. He is interested in motorization and medicine, despite the fact that he cannot drive a car or “perform surgery” himself. Parachute jumper and hang glider. Happy husband and father of 1.5 year old son. At work at DIFFERENT, he values ​​the fact that “nobody looks at his hands :)” and admires our President for her big heart and employing people with disabilities.

Our team

Anna Sobczak

Manager of waitres team

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As a psychologist, she likes to observe people, their personalities and relationships. For a long time she worked in a law firm, where she could demonstrate her organizational skills. She’s characterized by high responsibility, freedom in establishing contacts and timeliness. In life, she “discovers new flavors and for her the worms aren’t dangerous”

Our team

Marta Aleksandrowska

Marketing assistant

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Marta is passionate about travel and trips to the unknown. She is a student of Social Communication and Public Relations at Warsaw based University of Finance and Management. Her motto is: people who want something look for ways, and people who don’t want anything – look for reasons. She infects you with her optimism and great organisational skills. She is planning to visit the sunny California in future and to organise a journey around the world for herself. Her professional plans are connected with marketing and her own event business.

Our team

Aleksandra Olszańska


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Ola has 15 years of experience in conducting workshops for patients in the oncology department, she was a trainer in a pharmaceutical and cosmetics company, and a few years ago she became a lecturer at the Medical University (where she currently teaches cosmetology students). In the past, she also conducted recruitment, audits and many concepts in the field of textile design. He is a person with the soul of an artist who loves his work and contact with people. Privately, wife and mother of a 7-year-old son. 

Our team

Anna Bocheńska

The founder of DIFFERENT

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The President of Fundacja Pomocy Rodzinie „Człowiek w potrzebie” (Man in Need Family Help Foundation) and organiser of numerous charity and social events. Event & PR manager with extensive experience. Anna possesses tremendous organisational talent and knows how to win people over and is a true and powerful leader. She has been involved with the DIFFERENT project from its very beginnings/the concept. She fully supports the social mission of DIFFERENT and cannot imagine it functioning in any other way.

Our team

Ilona Kamieńska

Sales & marketing manager

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Since 2012, Ilona has been in charge of the Foundation in Podlasie, cooperating with local government organisations there. She has vast experience in the event industry and in obtaining funds from various sources. She is involved in social and health promoting activities and is an IPMA (level D) Certified Project Manager. Her major assets include multi-tasking skills and calmness.


Firma DISIRE z Krapkowic, specjalnie dla nas, zaprojektowała i wyprodukowała innowacyjny ekran do wyświetlania naszych filmów reklamowych. Projekt przeszedł nasze najśmielsze oczekiwania. Jesteśmy nim zachwyceni!
Ceramika Paradyż Sp. z o.o. podarowała nam 7 ton wysokiej jakości płytek podłogowych i ściennych oraz zapewniła dostawę płytek do naszego lokalu. W super szybkim tempie. Dziękujemy!
Zakłady Porcelany Stołowej „Lubiana” S.A. ufundowała Nam wspaniałą porcelanę do obsługi 60 osób jednocześnie. To dla nas prawdziwe wsparcie. Dziękujemy!
RM GASTRO Polska Sp. z o.o. przekazała po kosztach produkcji wyposażenie zaplecza kuchennego DIFFERENT. Dzięki temu mogliśmy zaoszczędzić 60 tys. zł już na starcie. Wielkie podziękowania od całego zespołu restauracji!
Tramwaje Warszawskie Sp. z o.o. zaproponowały nam emisję spotów reklamowych na LCD z 90% zniżką. Spot z zapowiedzią otwarcia ukazywać się będzie przez 14 dni. Dziękujemy!
Firma Visualcom sama zaproponowała nam wsparcie wizerunkowe i ufundowała WIELKI baner 3,3 m x 7 m oraz oznakowanie literowe dla restauracji. Ślemy podziękowania dla pracowników i właściciela P. Tomasza Kantaka.
Skorzystaliśmy z dotacji z Funduszu Inicjatyw Społeczno-Ekonomicznych w kwocie 72 000,00 zł i dodatkowo otrzymaliśmy półroczne wsparcie pomostowe na stworzenie miejsc pracy dla naszych pracowników. Wielkie podziękowania za zaufanie!
Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego finansuje nam bardzo wartościowe usługi doradcze oraz szkolenia. Wsparła nas także w uzyskaniu pożyczki z TISE.
Towarzystwo Inwestycji Społeczno-Ekonomicznych TISE SA udzieliło nam 480.000 zł bardzo preferencyjnej pożyczki na start DIFFERENT.
KLIMAK klimatyzacja & chłodnictwo to eksperci od instalacji sanitarnych i wentylacyjnych. Otrzymaliśmy SPECJALNĄ wycenę na robociznę, a większość sprzętu dostaliśmy w prezencie. Podziękowania należą się całemu zespołowi.
Dzięki tej firmie udało się znacząco obniżyć koszty instalacji wodno-kanalizacyjnej. Firma MAG INSTAL sprzedała nam materiały bez swojej marży. Dodatkowym plusem okazała się szybkość reakcji i załatwiania formalności związanych z obsługą darowizny.
Respol Eksport-Import Sp. z o.o. zrealizowała nasze zapotrzebowanie na wyposażenie części zaplecza kuchennego z bardzo dużym upustem. Serdecznie dziękujemy!
Dariusz Pilarski to strażak z olbrzymim doświadczeniem, kierownik ds. bezpieczeństwa kilkudziesięciu imprez masowych, szkoleniowiec BHP. Możemy na niego liczyć w każdej sytuacji. P. Dariusz za darmo dogląda najmniejszych detali PPOŻ i BHP, aby zapewnić naszym Gościom i Pracownikom maksimum bezpieczeństwa.
Na każdym etapie projektowania wnętrza mogliśmy liczyć na firmę Room Factory Sp. z o.o. Zapewniła nam ona zasłony i firany do restauracji oraz stale doradzała w zakresie produktów materiałowych. Dziękujemy!
Firma VERUS Opieka IT zafundowała nam monitor. Poprosiliśmy o niego ze względu na niedowidzącą koleżankę w recepcji. Okazało się, że dostaliśmy w prezencie 40” ekran. Szok! Serdecznie dziękujemy!
Od producenta mebli tapicerowanych DomArtStyl Piotr Śniegocki otrzymaliśmy 20% zniżkę na zakup luksusowych krzeseł do DIFFERENT. Bardzo dziękujemy!
Firma Kłosy P. Piotra Jędrasa zaopatrzyła naszą kuchnię w noże z najwyższej półki. Ich produkty są wykonywane ręcznie, z największą dbałością o każdy detal oraz z najlepszej jakości stali. Pasja godna podziwu! Dziękujemy z całego serca!
Z biurem matrymonialnym MyDwoje.pl nawiązaliśmy barterową współpracę reklamową. Randka w ciemno, którą oferuje DIFFERENT, pięknie komponuje się z misją biura – poznania drugiej połówki.
Z Katalogiem Marzeń współpracujemy na specjalnych i rzadko spotykanych warunkach. Dodatkowo niejednokrotnie przekazywali naszej Fundacji darowizny finansowe. Fajni z Was ludzie, dziękujemy!

